Courtesy of Cares!
"None of the Above" on Voter Ballots in 2006
Date: July 24, 2005
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: VIDEO and AUDIO UpdatesRealVideo has been converted to FLASH Video.
The original entry page can be reached by clicking here and has a link for the Flash plugin.
If you have the FLASH PLUGIN you can enter directly by clicking here (this page starts with a Flash video).
RealAudio has been converted to MP3 Audio.
The entry page can be reached by clicking here.
Date: March 10, 2005
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Proof Nobody Is Winning ElectionsApathy wins! 72% fail to vote By Beth Barrett
Date: April 14, 2004
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Page UpdateDuring 1996 there was a campaign to black out the background of web pages as a form of a protest and Nobody participated.
The old page is here and the current, what looks like, new front page was the original.
Date: February 13, 2004
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Wavy and Kevin Cooper
Wavy Gravy busted in prison protest
4 arrested at death-penalty protest
Wavy Gravy among jailed
Wavy Gravy arrested at death penalty rally
Google News On Wavy
Wavy Gravy, dressed in a Santa suit, is placed in a CHP cruiser after being arrested for trespassing and blocking the gates at San Quentin prison. Chronicle photo by Carlos Avila Gonzalez
Which is not being reported.
Date: January 14, 2004
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Nobody On The MoveWithin the next few weeks, or sooner, Nobody will toss the hat into the ring. Stay tuned, Nobody will be speaking!
Date: December 17, 2003
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Official Nobody for President SongsThere have only been three Birthday Party Nobody for President songs.
The first was called "Nobody for President" and done by David Peel, Steve Weber and The Holy Modal Rounders.
The second was called "Nobody for President" and released on 45 RPM by Jim Maxwell & The Sundown Band (Roy Marden, Jerry Shebeski, Joe Jedrlinic, Craig Grant, David Peel, Joanna D'ascoli, and Sherwin Winnick).
The third was called "Nobody for President" and done by Country Joe McDonald.
Since then, there have been no "OFFICIAL" songs, except for those in the mind.
Date: October 21, 2003
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Nobody Remembers You and Thinks of You Often.
Yeah, it has been a long time since anything was written here, but with good reason.
First, Nobody would like to apologize to those who have written and not received a reply. There was a time when Nobody responded to Everybody.
Nobody also wrote to those who offered their support, links, help at rally's, etc. and thanked them... because Nobody cares they care.
Things don't change, but people and 'the times' do and during the 2000 election 'things' got a little rough, because Nobody started getting email death threats, an overabundance of SPAM, and countless attacks.
On top of this, Somebody seeking self promotion created a small mess and dumped it on Nobody's lap.
The funny thing was, Everybody else easily understood why NOBODY is in charge.
Because of this, and masked email, the responses ended; however, Nobody reads everything and sometimes gets me to respond.
Now here are a few things I want to bring up... because they have been brought to my attention.
BLOGS - Wonderful! I love them. Even have one myself, :) somewhere. If YOU want to put one up for Nobody, please understand Nobody Is In Charge and have fun. If you want to tell me about it, fine. What happens after that... Nobody knows for sure.
LINKS - Please Understand Nobody would like to list all of you, but the person that turns on the computer for Nobody, works 16/7/12 and has very little spare time. Nobody will see what can be done to ease this.
TOUR - Being discussed and will be posted.
MOST IMPORTANT - If you really want to do something to help Nobody, take the responsibility to initiate a campaign to put NONE OF THE ABOVE on YOUR VOTER BALLOT. Do this, and Nobody will remember YOU forever.
For the "Curiosity Seeker", since you asked: Flying Snail
I also have to thank Mikey, for 'waking me up'... thanks mikey (:
Date: May 7, 1999
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Nobody's Top 5% Award from Lycos received May 1998
I try to keep all links up to date and discovered Nobody was no longer listed in the Top 5% at Lycos and a search produced: "Your Search for Nobody for President returned no results", so I sent them a note asking if I should remove the award and received the following reply:
"It may be that your review was removed by our reviewer a few months ago when we did a lot of housekeeping. It's kind of a moot point, because, as of Friday of this week, Top 5% will no longer be a stand-alone product on Lycos. So your award would have no meaning anyway...."
Well, it meant 'a lot' to me and I mention this because Nobody would NOT display an award that was not received!
Date: April 24, 1999
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Nobody Gets Real
Nobody's Video can now be seen in both VDOLive and RealVideo formats!
Thanks Hank!
It has come to my attention some of you can not see the java script banner running across the bottom of your browser. Here is what it says:
This is a story about four people: EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, and NOBODY.
There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it.
ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it.
SOMEBODY got angry about that, because it was EVERYBODY's job.
EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it, but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY wouldn't do it.
It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done.
Of all the choices for President, who is perfect?
Who lowered the taxes?
Who lowered the gas prices?
Who brought peace to our times?
Who balanced the budget?
Who lives forever and works for nothing?
Who stopped censorship on the net?
Who loves you when you're down and out?
Who bakes apple pie better than Mom?
and NOBODY will continue to do these things until SOMEBODY takes the responsibility to get the job done!
and repeats.
Date: December 15, 1998
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Nobody Wins In Puerto Rico
A big step for Nobody. Read About it HERE"
Date: December 11, 1998
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Blues Against Blindness
Wavy asked me to remind you about The "Blues Against Blindness" benefit on December 19, 1998 at the Berkeley Community Theater starting at 7 PM. This event is produced by SEVA Foundation and BGP. It will feature acoustic performances by Bonnie Raitt, Joe Louis Walker & Big Bones, Bruce Hornsby, Jorma Kaukonen Trio, Maria Muldaur, Charlie Musselwhite, Bob Weir, Wavy Gravy, and Suprise Guests. -- Premium Tickets (at SEVA) +1 (510) 845-7382 -- other tickets at BASS --
Date: November 11, 1998
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: No List for Nobody
On the 24th of August I suggested starting a list for Nobody and, to date, I have received 9 responses.
This morning I responded to those folks who had an interest in this and got two 'bounced' addresses (remember, I can only reply to the address you give me), Jerry-M and Valerie if you are still interested please send me your address again.
In case you are interested, the responses amounted to a very small fraction of less than 1% of the number of visitors Nobody got during this time period!
We are also considering putting Nobody's videos in RealAudio/Video format.
Date: October 2, 1998
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Wavy Gravy's 'Blues Period' collage exhibition and list report
Wavy asked me to tell you about an art opening he is having tomorrow night (October 3, 1998) at the Smokehouse Cafe, 1458 Lincoln Ave, Calistoga, California (near the glider port and next to the old train cars). Music will be provided by "The Urban Blues Band", featuring Barry 'The Fish' Melton. The time will be 7pm until 11pm, the first 100 folks get a free pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, the event is FREE, and any 'monies' generated will be given to Seva Foundation.
A lot of folks drop by this site every day and six of you have shown an interest in getting Nobody on the ballot. I'll give it another month and let you know where 'things' stand.
Date: August 24, 1998
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Nobody needs your help
(breaking news) "Nobody knows what the political temperature will be" - Bob Franken, CNN.
The Nobody for President campaign uses humor to encourage people to register and vote for the candidate of their choice. The campaign was initiated because 50% +/- of the folks who could vote, DO NOT vote and one could say Nobody was/is winning the elections. We also feel the American people get trapped, too often, in "selecting the lesser of evils" and should have the option "None of the Above" on the voter ballot.
'My' indicators (at this moment) show a probable increase in apathy for the next presidential election. In my opinion, this is a sad state for our country and here is what I am willing to do about it: I will manage a list for Nobody to discuss how to get "None of the Above" on every state ballot. Those of you who have managed lists know it is a lot of work and if there is a REAL interest I will establish the list. If YOU are interested, go back to Nobody's home page and click on the Comment button at the bottom and send Nobody a message saying YES LIST.
Results will be posted (here) in a few months. If the response is favorable, I will post a note (here) on how to subscribe.
Date: August 14, 1998
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: The Pig Nic - Labor Day Weekend
Saturday, September 5 & Sunday, September 6 - Black Oak Ranch - 5 Miles North of Laytonville, California on Highway 101 - Tickets available at all BASS OUTLETS - Information at the Hogline @ (707)-984-8085 - Great Time for All!
More Info on
Date: June 6, 1998
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Camp Winnarainbow for Adults (June 13-23, 1998)
Wavy asked me to inform you about the 'Adults Camp' which will be held, this year, from June 13th until June 23rd.
Phone Number: +1 (707) 984-6507
Camp Winnarainbow Web Page
Wavy also told me Nobody said (regarding the Adult Camp): "Big Fun Or Your Money Back". He also mentioned "only Nobody can make an offer like that".
Date: March 24, 1998
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Nobody slowly moves to the 2000 election
Minor updates on cafeend.html, alter.html, and tour.html.
Wavy is doing fine after his neck operation.
I try to answer all mail coming via the comments section, but a lot of the addresses bounce... so if you didn't receive a reply, maybe there was a typo (I only get what you give me).
Several have mentioned that I need to update certain areas and I agree. These areas will be caught up soon.
I want to thank you all again for the great participation.
Don't forget to check out the "realaudio" music in the United State Cafe section. I know it's old stuff, but, it gives an idea of what was happening around the time Nobody took charge.
Nobody appreciates the kind support YOU have provided!
Date: September 6, 1997
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: United State Cafe Added
New material and fixes.
Date: December 13, 1996
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Nobody Moves On To Election 2000!
Dear Folks,
While I was out-of-town my mail directory and files were destroyed by accident, so if you sent Nobody mail and did not receive a reply, please send again.
Video from the November rally, updates about voter apathy from the 1996 election, and more to come.
Nobody thanks YOU for your participation!
Date: November 3, 1996
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: "Come On People, Get Out And Vote, Democracy Ain't No Joke!"
The 'Subject:' line says it best! Words and VDOLive on Nobody's Video Page.
The Rally was a 'Hoot-an-a-Half'. Thanks to all those folks who made it that way.
Please Vote.
Date: October 28, 1996
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Rally Band - Full Tilt Boogie + Nobody
Nobody would like to inform you the band for the Poly-Tickle Rally of the Century will be ZERO.
Date: October 27, 1996
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Nobody for President - (FREE) - KICKOFF RALLY
Nobody announces the Free Kickoff Rally will be held in the Cannery's outside theater located at Fisherman's Wharf, 2801 Leavenworth St., San Francisco at 12 Noon on Wednesday, October 30, 1996.
(Costume optional)
Nobody says "Be There, Or Be Round!"
Date: October 15, 1996
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Nobody for President Kickoff Party - Friday evening, October 25, 1996
Nobody says the Kickoff Party will be held at Maritime Hall, 450 Harrison St. (near 1st Street), San Francisco, California. Nobody's Fool, Wavy Gravy, will MC and the entertainment includes Zero, The Chambers Brothers, Gregg Allman, and J.C. Flyer. Nobody expects you to attend! Ticket Phone Number (415) 974-0634.
Date: October 10, 1996
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Zero Cancels as Tour Band
Nobody heard "The Tour is Not Happening" with ZERO.
Date: September 11, 1996
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Campaign Supplies
Nobody told you to purchase the 1996 Presidential Campaign Supplies at Interstellar Propeller.
(click logo to go there)
Date: August 5, 1996
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: Nobody's Touring Band
Nobody has announced that the October Tour Band will be ZERO.
Date: June 24, 1996
From: The Birthday Party
Subject: 1996 Campaign Tour
Nobody is making plans to hit the campaign trail during October 1996.